Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Good Deadlift Workout

I had a really sore neck last night - chiropractor said it was my left levator scapula. I got that fixed up this afternoon. I also had a good deadlift workout today.

1) Deadlift: Worked up to 400x1 (alternate grip).

I also did 315x5 (overhand grip).

Then 275x8 (overhand) to finish off.


2A) Pistols holding 15 pound dumbbell - 8,8
2B) Calf raise - 3 sets of 8-10

3) 6-Minute abs

Flying out to La Guardia tonight, then heading up to Stamford, CT for a seminar. If you're going to be there, say Hey. I'll probably do TT for Meatheads workout D at LA Fitness on Friday. I think that's where I trained the last time I was in Stamford. 

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

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