Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Bodybuilder Abs & New Type of Cardio?

I tend to be hard on my ol' lunkhead bodybuilder friends...telling them they spend too much time lifting and doing slow
cardio, doing crunches, making protein shakes, getting fat in the winter and then going to extremes just before summer...

I just think my way is a better way...

So it's rare that a bodybuilder shows me a program that I think makes sense in the real world...but Vince DelMonte's results don't lie...here's Vince's advanced ab workout and cardio program.

It's definitely not for beginners...

1) Hanging Leg Raises -> 3-4 sets to failure

2) Wood Choppers (high to low) -> 3-4 sets for 15-20 reps a side

3) Weighted Cable Crunches -> 3-4 sets to failure

Rest for 60 seconds if you want to do it again.  

Vince also likes to use something called GXP cardio, which stands for gradual exercise progression.

He says these workouts are more challenging and easier to accomplish from a mental stand point and allow you to vary your intensity and increase you metabolism more than any other interval workout he's ever done.

Here is a sample 15 minute GXP workout.  

Start with a 5 minute warm up.

For the middle 5 minutes, increase the speed 1.0 mph every minute so if you start at 5.0 mph (on the treadmill), go to 6.0 for the 2nd minute, 7.0 for the 3rd minute, 8.0 for the 4th minute and 9.0 for the last minute.

Cool down for 5 minutes taking the speed down the same way you came up.

Each following workout, start a little faster than the previous week so you are always finishing at a new "top speed."


If you want advanced abs, Vince will give you his proven opinion on how to get them. He even put together a bonus report on how to get "Photoshoot Ready in Only 7 Days".

Now that might not be "your thing", but you need to visit his site and see how Vinced helped his client, Peter Cavell, go from 276 pounds to 176 pounds in only 6 months, getting him to washboard flat abs in the process.

=> Click Here for Vince's "Ab" Secrets

Helping you get a flat stomach & 6-pack abs,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

PS - Did you see the incredible Before And After of Vince's client on his website?

Go to and check out the photos. Powerful stuff! Seriously, if want to develop a set of "Show Off Abs", get inspired by Vince's
before-and-afters here:

=> ShowOffAbs.com

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