Thursday, September 18, 2008

3 Fat Loss Killers

There's a special note for personal trainers below...)
But today I really want to talk about the 3 BIG, UGLY reasons that men and women fail to lose weight.
Take a good hard look at this list and your behaviors, and be honest with yourself...are these holding YOU back?
#1) Sugar
Almost every time I review a struggling client's diet program, the answer to their fat loss plateau is too much sugar. But most of the time, the client doesn't even know it!
There are so many ways to hide sugar in the diet these days, it really isn't fair. It's not your fault you don't know all the ways
that food companies can "misleadingly label" their products.
You can get "high-fructose corn syrup" to "brown rice syrup", there's plenty of ways for products to sneak sugar - and therefore extra calories - into your diet.
And don't think for a second that "organic" or "all-natural" sugar is any better. They all add calories and end up making you hungry again, fast.
So avoid sugar. Post your diet on the forum and we'll uncover every single last gram of added sugar that is holding you back.
#2) Lack of Social Support
Speaking of the forum, if you aren't using it, then I hope and pray that you hang around lots of guys and gals that are supportive of your diet and exercise program.
But chances are you're the only one at home who wants to eat better, or the only person at work who wants to sneak in a workout at lunch (or right before or after work).
So you have all these forces working against you in the real world, right? The only place left to go is an online weight loss club.
And that's what the TT forum is there for. So get social support, and you'll finally start losing weight.
#3) Lack of a structured, professionally designed program
When you buy a house, do you write up all the contracts and mortgage agreements yourself?
Of course not!
You leave it to the professionals. That's their expertise.
So it's not surprising to me when folks are struggling to get results on a program "they made up". Or worse, from folks who don't even have a progarm at all.
The worst thing you can do is just to show up at the gym on a busy Monday afternoon. You'll walk in, get frustrated by your indecision on what to do first, then you'll probably do 20 minutes of useless low-intensity cardio, wait for a couple of machines, give up on them because others are "hogging" them, and then you'll leave.
And then you'll wonder why your program isn't working!
But it's so easy to get rid of all that frustration, just by getting a good trainer to make you a program. That's what I'm here for.
That's why I've created over 40 weeks of programs that you'll get in the Turbulence Training for Fat Loss PROVEN system.
It's time for you to lose weight and prove everyone else wrong. Show them that you CAN do it. And let me know how I can help.
Oh, and I can't forget the EXCITING NEWS!
Did you know I can't count?
I accidentally mis-calculated the Transformation Contest timeframe. So you actually have until next Monday, Sept. 22nd to start the contest and get in 12 FULL weeks of fat loss.
Here are the contest details one more time:
It's not your fault the rest of the world is conspiring against us,
Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Author, Turbulence Training
PS - For ALL Personal Trainers with a website...
I'm speaking at a Personal Trainer Seminar today in come say "Hi!" if you are there.
But if you're not, and you want to increase your business using the Internet and your website, visit my site where I show you how to get all the clients you need online.

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