Saturday, September 13, 2008

3 Reasons Why You Must Start Losing Weight Today

There are 3 reasons why TODAY is the best day to start a weight loss journey. In fact, these are 3 reasons you MUST start today. And it all comes back to the free TT Transformation Contest. Plus, I promise you, joining the free TT Contest will be the BEST thing you do for your body all year.

Reason #1 - You Need a Deadline to Lose Weight

It's a proven fact that we accomplish MORE when we are working against a deadline. And if you join the TT Transformation Contest, you have a deadline of Dec. 14th to show me your fat loss success story.

And remember...

The Contest is Free.

But it ends 12 weeks from start today!

=> Click Here for the TT Contest details

2) Social support

It's another PROVEN fact that folks who get social support lose MORE weight than those who try to go it alone.

And if you grab a copy of Turbulence Training to help you through your Transformation, you'll get 3 months free access to the Member's area...where folks from all over the world will help you lose fat.

=> Click Here to Lose Weight with Turbulence Training

3) Competition

In the last year I discovered that competition with yourself is one of the most effective ways to stay motivated and stick to a weight loss program.

So challenge yourself.

Take your before picture and measurements today, tape it to your fridge and try and beat those numbers each week.

It's addicting, and a powerful way to finally lose weight.

Get started changing your body right now. It's never too late.

=> Click Here to Lose Weight

I can't wait to see your transformation,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Author, Turbulence Training

PS - The FINAL day to enter the Free TT Transformation Contest is...

Monday, Sept. 15th. That gives you 84 days before the final day of Dec. 14th, when you have to send in your before and after photos. Find out all of the details on entering the free contest here:

"Hi Craig - First, I LOVE your program. In just under two weeks, I have already started seeing definition - that has been my goal for as long as I have been working out (a LONG time). Keep up the GREAT work, and thanks!"
Susan Siceloff
"I lost 14 pounds this month and the weight is just falling off me. My wife says I now look like when we first met and I still have more to go. I can fit into my old jeans again which is a big deal for me. I just cut back on starches and bread and do your routine 2-3 times a week. I never thought in a million years that just 10-20 minutes of weight training followed by some cardio would get me such steady results. I even cheat a bit on the weekends."
Billy Williams


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:00 PM

    Craig you seem to always have great advice, this post is one of them, I found as a personal trainer myself, that many people lack motivation I believe your tips in this post has some great motivational tips. I look forward to more of them.
