Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Turbulence Training Teleseminar Marathon

Platinum TT Members ALL over the world...

...mark this date on your calendar...

Tuesday, Oct 7th.

I am doing a teleseminar marathon...

...with live calls at 3pm, 8pm, and 12am (!!!) for all Platinum Members.

All times are EST.

(NOTE: The 12am call will be on Wednesday, Oct 8th at 12am for me, so I believe, 6pm, Wed, Oct. 8th in Oz and NZ. That will be 9pm in California. Please correct me if I'm wrong.)

I'm pretty sure this will allow everyone in Europe, North America, and West Coast/Down Under a chance to hear the calls. Might be tough on my friends in the Middle East, as I think you are 9 hours ahead...but I'm doing my best!

Calls will be a combination of me covering important fat burning topics and live Q'n'A...

Please let me know what topics you would like to see covered that are hard to cover just by Q'n'A in the forum.


(and let me know if you have any technical questions about this...)

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

Click Here to Become a Platinum TT Member

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