Thursday, September 18, 2008

Bodybot Workout

If you need to get more results in less time, than fat loss circuits from Body Bot are your answer. In fact, I believe in fat loss circuits so much, I had a contest for TT readers to send in their best fat loss circuit.

And here's the winning circuit (For his prize, Boyd Allen wins a 1-Year TT Platinum Membership)!

He used the
Body Bot to design his circuit. If you use that site, you'll notice he's included the exercise number
from the site in brackets. (i.e. UB20 is the Pullup on that site)

This is a kick-butt circuit!

1) Sumo Squat (LB13) - good warm up
2) Pull Up or Chin Up (UB20 or UB19) - warm for arms and upper body
3) Burpee (AC9) - engage the entire body
4) Cross hand switch push up (UB14) - fun variation
5) Split lunges (LB10) - allow the arms to recover and work legs
6) Renegade Row (TB6) - fun way to stabilize core and build arms
7) Cross Knee Push Up (UB26) - another fun variation
8] Dumbbell Swing (TB9) - tough way to finish up on my feet

To build your own circuit, use the Robot at:

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Helping you burn more fat in less time,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Author, Turbulence Training

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