Friday, August 29, 2008

3-Minute Arms & 30-Minute Workout

I've added the 3rd TT Workout of the Month to can get the 7 System 3-Minute Arm Workouts here: 3-Minute Arms. A fun, fast way to add a lot of results in only a short amount of time to your workouts.

If you want to add more arm exercises to your TT workouts, but without turning your Turbulence Training workout into a marathon bodybuilder session, use these 7 systems to create dozens of fun, fast, and effective arm pumping workouts. You'll be amazed at how much you can get done in a short amount of time.

Unfortunately, I didn't get a chance to do a 3-minute arm workout today, but I did do...

Deadlifts - 315x5x5 (in the first set I did 4 reps with a double overhand grip, and all other sets were done with an alternate grip).

Overhead Squats - Worked up to 125x5

Pullups - 12

That's it. Only had time for a 30-minute session (including warm-up). Still got a good deadlift session in, despite being tired (Went to bed late...and then at 3:15am the power went out in my building and the fire alarm started malfunctioning, so every minute a high pitched piercing noise went off ALL night. That doesn't help ya sleep, you know?).

I'm starting with TT for Meatheads on Sunday or Monday. Anybody else going to use that workout?

Download all 3 new TT workouts today,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

Click Here to download ALL of the TT Workouts

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