Monday, August 25, 2008

Transformation Contest Six Pack Abs

"Mark Burns 6.2 Pounds of Belly Fat and FINALLY Gets Abs"

Six months.....six short months since I joined the first Turbulence Training Transformation Challenge. And now the wraps have been placed on trip number two.
The second Transformation Challenge saw more progress in both weight loss and body fat percentage. More progress in strength, muscle definition, and pride.My workout schedule included the last 2 workouts of the Turbulence Training manual, plus the Big 5 workout.
One of the great things about a Turbulence Training workout is the simplicity. Each one is complete with no guessing how many reps or sets to do. Pictorial guides and a full explanation for each exercise give you good guidance on it's execution. Simply said, just dedicate the proper amount of time and Turbulence Training can and will make a difference.My goals were to a lose few extra pounds and continue working on eating correctly to drop body fat.
Once again, fasting one day a week was part of my schedule. I have implemented the Eat Stop Eat program since the first contest and have made it part of my routine.
Maximum weight loss this past 12 weeks was 8 lbs, dropping to a low of 165 lbs. Overall weight loss over the past two contest has been 45 lbs. Depending on whether I believe my scales or the Accumeasure, I've dropped 1 to 3% body fat. I'll let the pictures tell the story there. I have been able to put up to an inch on my arms and chest.
When I first started Turbulence Training I wore size 36 pants. And badly at that. I refused to go to 38's, so it was a struggle every day to suck in my large gut just to fit into my pants. I am now gliding smoothly into 32's and loving it.Comments from friends and co-workers have been a great incentive and make the hard work well worth it. A few of them are now eating better and exercising because of what I have accomplished using Turbulence Training. Living it.... Loving it.....Working it.
Gettn' healthier with Turbulence Training.
Here are my stats....before and after.
My stats as of 5-5-08.....................My stats as of 7-26-08
173.2 lbs......................................167 lbs ( my low was 165)
19.7 BF%.....................................18.7 BF% (scales) 14.8% ( accumeasure)
Left arm 12-1/4 in..........................13-1/4
Right arm 12-1/2 in.........................13
Left arm flexed 13-1/2 in..................14
Right arm flexed 13-1/2 in.................14-1/2
Chest 38-1/4 in..............................39-1/4
Waist 30 in....................................30-1/2
Hip 38-3/4 in..................................37
Left thigh 21-1/2 in.........................22
Right thigh 21-1/4 in........................22
Congrats to Mark for making the finals in both Turbulence Training Transformation Contests,
Craig Ballantyne, CSCS

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