Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Turbulence Training Fitness Model!

Karla looks as good as any fitness model on the cover of any fitness magazine...

"Karla Got Her Rock-Hard Body and Lost 15.2 Pounds, 6.65% Body Fat, and 14 Inches While Exercising LESS Than Before"

Rock Hard Revolution was the title of my thread/journal to document my 12-week transformation challenge.

Definitely aggressive, but I knew a positive mindset would be key to success. I wanted that “rock hard body” more than anything! My weight was nearing an all-time high, and I felt like I was slipping away from the vibrant, fit person I wanted to be.
Turbulence Training turned out to be a great fit for me. Challenging workouts with a lot of variety, quick duration interval cardio, and the ability to workout less and see more results! I also developed new nutrition habits – like packing my food every day and eating clean foods like oats, egg whites, lean meats, and tons of veggies. I learned that I didn’t need a cheat meal – I could enjoy myself at a restaurant or social situation while still eating clean.
Although each day was a conscious effort, and some held more challenges than others, the 12 weeks seemed to fly by! When I look back on my experience, a couple key things stand out:
1) I learned I can and will accomplish anything I set my mind to! There were a lot of days that I thought my goals were probably too aggressive.
Every week I dug deeper, though, and happily made the effort and sacrifices needed to get closer to reaching my goals. I am most proud of the strength and resolve I had when it mattered most.
2) I learned that social support and accountability, for me, play a huge role in my success. The core TT Challenge group was a great support network.
I learned from them, got energy and motivation from them, and became stronger myself by the very process of supporting others. I also have a great trainer who pushed me through one of my TT workouts each week. She was really my personal champion/supporter. She gave the tough love that I needed to keep shooting for my goals when they didn’t seem possible. I found she was the one person who didn’t let me off the hook easy – and this is important to have!
3) Finally, I now have a much greater understanding of and appreciation for my body and what it is capable of. I challenged my body daily with new workouts, weights, and intervals, and it responded. Every week I saw positive changes in my body. I’ve never felt better - physically, mentally or emotionally.
Although I daily recommend Turbulence Training to friends, family and co-workers, it was the TT Challenge that really drove me to pull everything together and get the body I deserve. The personal pride I feel in the effort I put forward and the results I achieved can not be explained in words.
Vince Lombardi said, 'The harder you work, the harder it is to surrender.' Those words kind of summarize my journey. No matter what the outcome of the contest, I have won given everything I gained during this challenge! I now set the bar higher for myself, in all areas of my life, because I know I can achieve anything with the right plan, mindset and support!
Start: May 5th, 2008
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 158 lbs
Bodyfat: 20.8% (using 7 pt skinfold test)
Chest: 38 7/8"
Upper Arm: 12 3/16"
Waist (smallest part): 29 1/4"
Belly Button: 30 11/16"
Hips: 40 1/2"
Thigh: 23 9/16"
End: July 27th, 2008
Weight: 142.8 lbs
Bodyfat: 14.15% (using 7 pt skinfold test)
Chest: 35 3/4"
Upper Arm: 11"
Waist (smallest part): 26 3/4"
Belly Button: 27 6/16"
Hips: 37 1/2"
Thigh: 21 14/16"
Weight: -15.2 lbs
Bodyfat: -6.65%
Chest: -3 1/8"
Upper Arm: -1 3/16"
Waist (smallest part): -2 1/2"
Belly Button: -3 5/16"
Hips: -3"
Thigh: -1 11/16"

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