Monday, August 25, 2008

Back to Her High School Weight

"Abby Lost 13 Pounds and 5% Body Fat, Fits Into Size 4's, and is Back to Her High School Weight!"

The past 12 weeks have been amazing and have really helped me to implement what I learned during the last challenge. This has become my lifestyle and it is difficult to imagine going back to my unhealthy habits.

I am extremely proud that I accomplished every goal on my list for this 12 weeks: I surpassed my goal weight of 133, I reduced my bodyfat by 5%, I completed 10 chin ups, and I completed 37 push ups in one minute.

I currently weigh what I did when I was 16 years old, except now I look better!

When I completed my first TT Challenge in March, I was wearing size 8 pants (and some 6's). Now my 8’s are too big and I fit into 6’s (and some 4’s)! I was able to achieve my goals without so-called "fat burners", without eliminating any food groups from my diet and without spending a lot of money on a personal trainer. I did it by eating well, and with hard work and determination.

During this 12 week challenge, I attended 6 events: 2 birthday parties, 2 weddings and 2 potlucks. I was able to enjoy life and achieve my goals simultaneously.Continuing to use fitday to monitor my nutrition along with planning my meals a week in advance were key to my success.

Having a plan and sticking to it gives me such a feeling of accomplishment. I try to eat well 90% of the time and don’t eat anything that I don’t like (yeah, I’m looking at you water chestnuts, feta cheese, and edamame). I eat healthy food that I like - that way it isn't a "diet" and I can stick with it long-term. Not that I won't try new things.

During this past 12 weeks I discovered a delicious recipe for fish and I had all but given up on fish! I have new healthy habits as well. I take the stairs more often instead of the elevator and I drink more water. I like to work out now because it makes me feel strong. (And I like using the same dumbbells as some of the guys.)

Social support was critical to my success. Without the accountability and motivation from ttmembers, I would not have had the results that I did. Having my husband complete this challenge with me was great because we could compare notes. The extra support from the Breakthrough Challenge Team also helped to inspire and motivate me!

My next goals are to put on a few pounds of muscle, and to continue to work on chin ups and also on pull ups. I would like to be able to do 15 chin ups well, and to do at least 5 pull ups. I’ve changed so much in the past 7 months since I started using TT that I sometimes don’t even recognize myself when I catch my reflection in a mirror.

Other than being pregnant and giving birth, this journey has been the most amazing study of my body and how much it can achieve (except TT didn’t give me stretch marks!)


Lost 13 lbs (145.4 lbs down to 132.4lbs)

Lost 5% bodyfat (according to my scale)

Lost 7" total including 1.5" from my abdomen, 1.25" from my waist, and 1.25" from my hips

Programs used (05/05/08 - 07/27/08):

Weeks 1-3:

TT for Amazing Lower Abs

Weeks 4-7:

TT for Mass, phase 1

Week 8: off/intervals only

Weeks 9-12: TT 2K4

Vote for Abby & the other contestants here

Did you notice that Abby even used a MUSCLE-BUILDING program while losing fat and fitting into Size 4's?

So much for that bulking up BS!

Click Here to Download Turbulence Training

Another SOCIAL SUPPORT success story,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

PS - If you need social support to help you lose weight...

Grab your copy of Turbulence Training and you'll get a 3-month free social support membership into the TT Member's Area.

Click Here to get started with Turbulence Training

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