Thursday, August 21, 2008

Transformation Contest Diet Tips

I've spent all night reviewing entriesl for next week's great revealing of the finalists in the 2nd Turbulence Training Transformation Contest and I have some BIG surprises for you next week.

It's almost hard for even ME to believe how many sets of SIX-PACK abs we're going to have in this one.

First of all, we have Kerry, age 51 (!) who has a set of abs that kids 10 years younger than ME would pay big bucks to have.

And I was checking out Kerry's nutrition...very similar to mine. It is focused on lots of fruits and vegetables (again proving that fruit DOES NOT make you fat). What an inspiration Kerry will be to you - at any age.

Hopefully we'll get all the entries up for you to start voting on Monday or Tuesday.

You're also going to FLIP OUT when you see the results of Karla's"Rock Hard Revolution" transformation. She lost 15.2 pounds of fat and decreased her fat percentage by 6.65%.

Frankly, she looks like she could be on the cover of a fitness magazine. She was also one of the most consistent "updaters" of her workout journal, proving that people who spend more time on the TT Members forum lose MORE weight.

Plus, Karla, like me, found a way to eat healthy food in a Mexican restaurant! You'll learn all about her, Kerry, and all the other TT Contest finalists and their abs next week.

If you are ready to get started on sculpting your own six pack, my personal nutrition consultant Isabel De Los Rios has these tips foryou...

"No starchy carbs after 2pm. So choose carbs like oatmeal, sweet potatoes and brown rice in your morning, mid morning and lunch but then only stick to veggies and fruits as your carb sources in your last 2-3 meals of the day.

"Also, no eating for 3 hours before you go to bed. You will naturally just eat less. If you've eaten sufficiently during the day you will not lose muscle. So if you go to bed at 11pm, no more eating after 8pm."

Simple but effective. I hope you are excited for the great unveiling of TT Member's Six Pack Abs next week.

Diet is more imporant than crunches for abs,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
PS - You MUST download Isabel's Nutrition Guide because it contains:

-> Dozens of online resources to get the best fat burning foods for you and your family

-> Over 61 pages of delicious, yet healthy recipes

-> The controversial metabolic typing test that might be the secret to your dieting success

-> Dozens of pages of meal plans to show you EXACTLY what to eat to burn belly fat

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