Saturday, August 23, 2008

Upper Body Workout

On Friday, while chasing the dog, I tried running a little faster than I should have, and for the first time in my life, experienced some type of "hamstring pull".


I checked in with my chiropractor in Toronto, Dr. Michael Sommers ( and he gave me some tips...

...and it's 80% better today. I'll reveal all the tips in a future article. Made a huge difference.

Fortunately, today's workout was 90% upper body.

Bodyweight Squat
Forward Lunges
Overhead Squat with Bar
Chest Stretch
Hip Flexor Stretch
Side Stretch
Easy Hamstring Stretch

Bench Warmup
45x8, 95x15, 135x10, 185x8, 225x2



1A) Assisted Pistol Squat (3x8)
1B) Chinups - 12, 8, 8

2A) DB Incline Press 85x8, 85x5
2B) DB Rear Delt Raise - 25x2x8

3-minute arms

Then I had a milkshake with my dad. It wasn't very good, but the company was.

Dog walking time now,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

PS - I'm running TWO new Transformation Contests...
...starting Aug 31st.

Follow the updates at

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