Thursday, August 21, 2008

5x5 Deadlift Workout

Today I worked out at the good ol' Stratford YMCA and did deadlifts.

After my warmup (bodyweight squats, lunges, pushups and stretches, plus overhead squats with the barbell), I did Power Cleans, working up to 1 set of 185 for 3 reps.

Then I did the deadlifts for 5 sets of 5 with 315 pounds. In the first set, I did 3 reps with a double overhand grip. An old high school buddy who is now currently an NHL linesman was there, and we talked about his in-season workouts.

These guys are just like any other business traveler...too many cities and too many small hotel gyms inadequate for dumbbell exercises and too cramped for bodyweight exercises. But there are just have to be creative with bodyweight exercises.

Finished my total body workout with Good Mornings (200x8) and dumbell chest presses (90x9), and then 3-minute arms. A real good 3-minute arms variation today. Lots of fun.

TT 3-Minute Arms comes out in 10 days,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Join TT Members today to be the first in line for TT 3-Minute Arms

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