Monday, August 25, 2008

How to Get Six Pack Abs After 50

"Kerry Cuts Cardio and Loses 6 Pounds toGet 6-Pack Abs at Age 51"

I must admit I was extremely hesitant to join the contest. I was one of those guys Craig refers to all the time. For years, I had been doing slow, boring cardio. I had read through most of the posts from the first contest, and was very impressed with the support, and the results, but, posting my pictures on the internet?

Whoa…scary thought!

Well, looking back after these 12 weeks, I can confidently say it’s one of the best things I have ever done.I have found out quite a bit about nutrition, exercise, and most of all, about myself. I am proud of the fact that in these 12 weeks I have not missed a workout. I am proud that for the vast majority of the time I have been eating well (with a few cheat meals, of course).

Most importantly, I’ve learned the power and value of planning, consistency, accountability and support. These things can be applied to all facets of life. The support here has been just fantastic.

In addition, I wonder if so many of you realize how clever and entertaining you are.Then there is also the value of information. There is just so much information on the discussion forums.

Incorporating other people’s nutrition, training, and techniques were all valuable tools to add to my own regimen. Craig’s programs are fantastic, and the additional information available just enhances the learning curve. Variety in nutrition is so important and looking over other peoples choices gave me more options for my own food plans.

This challenge has given me the opportunity to live a healthier lifestyle, and I have gotten concrete results. Losing a few pounds, and looking better in the mirror is most rewarding, but from a total health standpoint, the change in my bloodwork at my yearly physical exam was totally gratifying. I owe that to the TT lifestyle.

A famous person once said (and I think I am taking quite a bit of poetic license here), “It’s the journey, not the destination.” No one said the path is easy.

There are going to be setbacks. In my case, there was a week of lower back pain, and a hernia. We all have some issues. But you fight through. I guess that’s why it’s a challenge. The end of this contest is just another trainstop on the journey. Now it’s time to plan for the next leg.

Finally, I would just like to say to all those that have completed the contest or are about to: Be proud of your commitment, and of your accomplishment. To be able to complete the contest with family, work, and all of life’s other responsibilities indicates just how much this was important to you. And when your health is important to you, that is a good thing.

Turbulence Training Programs used

May – Big 5 Circuit Workout

June 30 minute BW Challenge

July DB-BW Fusion

Weight: May 9 - 186 July 31 - 180 (lowest was 177.5 - after a sick day).

Height: 6'1"

Age May 9 - 50 July 31 - 51

BF % May 9 - 13% (estimate by Craig) July 31 - 10%? my estimate

Congratulations Kerry, you have abs that every guy, no matter what age, will be envious of!

Stay strong,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

PS - Have you voted for Kerry and the other TT contestants yet?

Voting ends on Wednesday night.

Click Here to See All of the Contestants & Vote!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:44 AM



    crunch is great activities to prepare your upper stomach region.


    this is additionally an awesome activity for your abs.plank is great in light of the fact that inboard there is less possibility of damage. Be that as it may, these activities are simple and powerful and give great outcomes

    3.Hangings leg rise

    many individuals gathering that they are not getting lower abs.So this is incredible activities for your lower abs.

    4. Stomach muscle Wheel Rollout

    Why it works: This one's a work of art, and as it should be. In opposition to what you may expect, your abs don't really move all that much in an abdominal muscle wheel—it's a greater amount of an isometric exercise—yet they do need to work remarkably difficult to shield your middle from crumbling onto the floor. A couple of sets of these and your abs will shout for leniency .
