Sunday, August 24, 2008

Fat Loss Contestant Number 1

"Catherine Beats Fat Loss Plateau By Losing 14 Inches, 14 Pounds, and 5% Body Fat - And She Looks 14 Years Younger!"
It happened at the grocery store. Right around my 44th birthday, I was grocery shopping on a Tuesday. Why is that important? Tuesday just happens to be Senior discount day at our local grocery store, and yes, that day about 14 weeks ago, I was offered the Senior discount.Bless them all, but I'm not ready for the AARP.

Something had to be done. Fortunately, this happened right around Craig Ballantyne's birthday, and he was giving away lots of goodies along with a great deal on TT, and access to the TT member site for 6 months.

I jumped at the deal, and after seeing the amazing transformations in the first contest, I jumped right into the 2nd TT transformation too.Eight years ago, I quit smoking, and joyfully, found out I was pregnant shortly afterward. I dealt with these happy occurrences by rapidly gaining 60 pounds. I took it for granted that I could take it off again. Wrong. Atkins, South Beach, Weight Watchers, they all worked for a little while, but I couldn't get below 140, and I couldn't maintain my losses for very long.

So what changed? What is it about Turbulence Training that got me beyond that dreaded plateau?

First, I had a specific goal, and a date to reach it. I'd never done that before!

Second I had Craig's workouts and intervals. The one two punch of resistance and intensity finally made the difference.

Third, I "got it", about the importance of the right nutrition. Sensible whole foods and Eat Stop Eat made losing weight doable.

Fourth, I had support. My loving husband and son were behind me from the beginning. Add to that the unmatched support I got on the TT boards, and my dream of transforming my body in 12 weeks came true.

From the first time that you post in support of someone, you get connected to an amazing positive cycle of wisdom and encouragement that carries you along on the way to your goals. I am so grateful for this 12 week transformation! Catherine

Click Here to See All 7 Finalists & Cast Your Vote

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