Saturday, July 05, 2008

TT Testimonial of the Month - Enter Now!

Each month YOU have a chance to win a 1-Year FREE Platinum TT Membership in the TT Testimonial of the Month Competition. That's a $297 prize just for telling us about your results with Turbulence Training.

(Plus, you get the TT for Fat Loss DVD's and the NEW TT for Abs Home Abdominal Workout Program.)

But if you have a testimonial, there are 3 ways you can enter:

1) Reply to any Turbulence Training email.

2) Send an email to: support AT

3) Click HERE to Contact Us

And now, for this months WINNER!!!

Actually, CO-Winners.

Congratulations to Lee Castle AND Rebecca Parr.

First, from Lee...

"Hi Craig, I want to say a big thank you for the boost that Turbulence Training has provided. Just over 6 months ago I weighed
in at 98kgs (216 lbs) and decided to do something about it.

I started doing some research and along with better (and more structured) nutrition, I started interval training which was
helping me lose weight but I wanted something more.

About a month into my lifestyle transformation I added Turbulence Training to the intervals. I have been at TT for nearly 6 months now and the results are incredible. The science and the data behind the program makes sense, which for me, is a big part of the motivation, and the results speak for themselves.

Approximately 6 months on and I now weigh in at 83kgs (183 lbs).

I work out 3-4 times a week, doing the TT workouts 3 times a week (two of them followed by an interval session (rower or bike) plus one weekend workout, hill sprints or steep uphill hiking normally).

I also like to do a quick 100 bodyweight circuit at home on the rest days.

I have created exercise and eating routines and good habits, am more motivated in all parts of my life, healthier, happier and have more energy. Thanks again!"
Lee Castle, An Australian in Hong Kong

Lee, I've emailed you your updated membership details!

And now to hear from our co-winner, Rebecca Parr.

"I have been using turbulence training now for 3 weeks.  The reason I was attracted to TT is that I commute 50 miles each day from home to London leaving the house at 5.30am and returning (if all goes well) at 7pm. Needless to say time is tight.  

I needed something that was efficient and would get me results required without bulking up or losing weight and becoming flabby. In those three weeks I have lost c4lb but the key effect has been the loss in inches. I have lost 2 inches of my waist and my arms are more toned my legs have less cellulite.

I now drink green tea (rather than normal tea) each more fresh fruit and have totally reduced my sugar intake.

All my TT is done at home using dumbells and a swiss ball. The advantage with the training is that it fits around my running, does not give me DOMS and is increasing my core strength.  

I can't wait to see what further improvements can be achieved. I also travel in relation to my work and I find it easy to continue with TT when away using hotel gyms as long as they have free weights and a treadmill.

What an excellent program. It suits my way of life and is something I know I can continue with especially when you see how quick the results begin to happen."
Rebecca Parr

Congratulations Rebecca, I've emailed you your upgraded membership details.

Thanks to everyone using Turbulence Training, and I look forward to hearing from you!

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Author, Turbulence Training

PS - Platinum TT Members also get my new TT for Abs program FREE!

Download it on the Member's site in the TT Library Archives.

To upgrade your account to become a Platinum TT Member and get access to over $3000 worth of workouts - while SAVING $100, Click HERE to Contact Us

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