Saturday, July 05, 2008

Show Off Abs Workout

I tend to be hard on my ol' lunkhead bodybuilder friends...

...telling them they spend too much time lifting and doing slow cardio, doing crunches, drinking protein shakes instead of eating real food, getting fat in the winter and then going to extremes just before summer...

I just think my way is a better way...

So it's rare that a bodybuilder shows me a program that I think makes sense in the real world...
But Vince DelMonte, a bodybuilder, did just that, sending me this excellent beginner ab workout just the other day.

In fact, Vince's beginner program was even a good challenge for me, and you've seen my abs.

Here's what Vince gave me, and I recommend you put it in your program as well...

Vince's Ab Exercise circuit based on planks:

This is what Vince considers "foundational" to building six pack abs from the inside and out and having a core as strong as a bear - excellent mini circuit for beginners or if your just getting back into it:

1. Plank in push up position - 10 legs raises each leg
2. Plank from elbow position - 10 leg raises each leg
3. Side plank from hand position - 10 legs raises each leg
4. Side plank from elbow position - 10 leg raises each leg

Build up to 2 sets of 20. These will engage your core, gluts, shoulders and arms all at the same time. Don't be surprised if you start sweating. You can do this every day.

For more of Vince's ab workouts, visit:


Train hard, train safe, and get lean for summer,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Author, Turbulence Training

PS - Did you see the incredible Before And After of Vince's client on his website?

Go to and check out the photos or watch the mini-movie. Powerful stuff!

Seriously, if want to develop a set of "Show Off Abs", get inspired by Vince's before-and-afters here:


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