Thursday, July 03, 2008

Crunches & Other Wasted Efforts for Abs

Let's go over some of the biggest time & money wasters in the history of fitness and fat loss. Crunches, long cardio, diet pills, and even protein shakes have been costing you bucks and eating into your free time for too long now...

If you've ever picked up a fitness magazine, then you've read lame article after lame article telling you that to get abs, you must...

1) Do boring cardio on an empty stomach in the morning

2) Avoid dietary fat & to limit your fruit intake (as if fruit could make you fat - what a joke)

3) Perform hundreds of crunches sit-ups, reverse crunches, side bends, twisting crunches, etc., a couple of times per week while lying on a dirty, sweaty exercise mat in a commercial gym

4) Take expensive, high-caffeine diet pills

5) Slam down protein shakes 3-4 times per day

6) Lift weights 6 days per week on a split routine that only a 20 year old on $1000 worth of steroids per month could survive

7) Use fancy ab crunch machines that research shows are actually dangerous for your low back

Well guess what...

I haven't done ANY of those things and as you'll see on my new site, my abs are doing just fine, thank you very much.

See my photo here & grab my new TT for Abs program while it's still on Sale for a limited time:


(And Yes, my Vet really did say that my dog has six pack abs during his recent examination. And he's not really into long, slow cardio or crunches either).

In FACT, here's a long list of "classic" bodybuilder "ab secrets" you couldn't PAY ME to do...and yet I still have a darn good 6-pack:

-> Long, slow BORING cardio workouts on machines (can't they find something better to do to burn calories, I know I can!)

-> Extreme low calorie diets (I don't count calories. All I do is eat whole, natural foods high in fiber, protein, & nutrients - and
nothing from a bag or a box.)

-> Tanning. I've never used a tanning bed. Wouldn't even know what to do if I was in the same room as one. No tanning sprays either. My abs don't need any smoke and mirrors to stand out.

-> No "cutting my water" so I can get oiled up and step on stage while wearing a bikini thong for me, either.

-> Protein shakes? Forget about them. I haven't had one in 2 years, and I know I ain't missing nothing. Probably couldn't even choke back a sip of one these days.

-> I'll never do a 30-minute ab workout devoted to 17 different types of crunches. That type of training is absurd. As with cardio, there's gotta be something better you can do with your life than hundreds of useless crunches!

- You won't catch me eliminating fruit from my diet (what a stupid myth it is to think that fruit makes you fat...I eat about 10
servings of fruit per DAY...and I sure as heck ain't losing my abs because of it).

A picture is worth a thousand words, and 100,000 crunches. See the proof of my system here and grab your copy of my TT for Abs Home Abdominal Workouts before it goes back into the vault on Friday, July 4th at noon, EST:

=> Click Here to Get TT for Home Ab Workouts for only $27

Say goodbye to mind-numbing crunches and cardio,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Author, Turbulence Training for Abs

PS - I've created this 12-week Advanced Ab program using the Turbulence Training principles, but with NEW unique and effective twists to work your abdominals harder than ever.

Here's the Deal...

This is a special "Pre-Launch" Limited Time Offer...Once the Deadline hits, this offer will be REMOVED and the price will
INCREASE to $39.95 when it is finally made available again.

Until Friday, July 4th at noon, TT for Abs is available for only $27.

Visit TT for Abs to get the workouts and more info on your bonuses:


PPS - This "Pre-Launch" offer ENDS July 4th, at noon.

So declare INDEPENDENCE DAY from your belly fat, and get started with the Turbulence Training for Abs program today.

Get started with the all NEW Turbulence Training for Abs Home Abdominal Workouts here:

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