Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Squat Tip of the Day

Here's a tip to all aspiring personal trainers and/or guys trying to impress their girlfriends by teaching them to squat...

"If you don't know how to squat properly, or if you've never squatted before, don't bother trying to teach someone else how to do it."

I've watched more than one trainer - who I know has never barbell squatted before - try to teach clients how to squat. It's sad. Shameful, really.

Plus today, while I was in the gym, I watched a guy try to teach his girlfriend to squat. First of all, the bar was set at chin height. And then they wondered why she had such a difficult time trying to get it off the rack. Anyways, it didn't get much better from there...although it was funny to see that the girl actually had better squat form than the "teacher" boyfriend.

Anyways, that wasn't the only stupid thing I saw in the gym today, but it was probably the most notable. On to my workout...

Turbulence Training Original Workout B

Forward lunges
Waiters Bow
Shoulder Rotations
Neck Rotations
Hip Flexor Stretch
Side Stretch
Chest stretch

Overhead Squat - 45x8, 55x5

Squat - 45x10, 135x10, 185x6, 225x5, 275x3


1A) Squat - 315x3x8
1B) Chinup with kneeup - 14, 8, 6

2A) Barbell Split Squat - 165x8
2B) Barbell Row - 175x3x10
2C) Barbell Shrug - 175x3x12 (just decided to throw this in)

That was it...skipped out on 3-minute arms because arms were still slightly sore from Monday.

Squat right or don't squat at all (and definitely don't teach it!),

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

PS - Grab your trial offer of Turbulence Training and follow me in the 2k3 program that I start next week...

Click Here for the Turbulence Training Trial Offer

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