Thursday, July 31, 2008

Turbulence Training Road Tour

I'll have "On the Road Again" by Willy Nelson stuck in my mind for all of August (and some of September too).

Next week I'll be in NYC for a seminar and then I'm off to Boston to see an old client and then to have high energy trainer David Jack, a Men's Health expert and the author of the new Belly Off Program, put me through a workout.

The following week I'm off to Vail, Colorado to film an abs project with Mike Geary, author of The Truth About Abs. And then the next day I'll head to Aspen to meet with another client and even do some mountain biking with him.

The 5th city in my travels is Stamford, Connecticut. I'll be presenting at a business seminar for Fitness Experts. The seminar runs from Sept. 18th to 20th and all the big names will be there...

-> Ryan Lee
-> Alwyn Cosgrove & his amazing wife, Rachel
-> Dax Moy
-> Brian Grasso (Youth Fitness Expert)

And many more, including the top Kettlebell Experts in the World.

If you are a personal trainer, chiropractor, physiotherapist, or Bootcamp instructor, or even an aspiring trainer, this will be one of the most important weekends of your life.

Click Here to Discover the Details of the Seminar

It's going to be super high-energy and inspirational.

I look forward to seeing you there,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Author, Turbulence Training Hot Zone Workout

PS - The TT August Workout of the Month is ready!

Login to to download the "Turbulence Training Hot Zone Fat Loss Workout" today...

...and get ready for a 2-workout bonus program in September, including my "3-Minute Arms" workouts...featuring dozens of 3-minute arm workout variations you can do to "supplement" your TT workouts.

You asked for it, so you got it!

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