Tuesday, July 29, 2008

5 Best Kettlebell Exercises for Fat Burning

Here are the top 5 kettlebell exercises for fat burning from RKC Troy Anderson...

The Top 5 Kettlebell Exercises

By Troy Anderson

#1 - Kettlebell Snatch

The snatch is far and away the most athletic lift there is, when
done well it is borderline artistic.

Not only that but it takes hell of a lot of different muscles
firing in sequence, ultimately burning some series calories and fat.

The kettlebell snatch allows the beginning enthusiast to experience
this movement, much quicker than would be possible with a barbell
and more fluidly than with a dumbbell.

I love this drill I personally try to get in 25 snatches per arm
per day.

#2 - Turkish Get-up or The Get Up (TGU)

If I only had one drill that would give my clients everything they
need this would be the one. 

- Upper body Strength
- Shoulder Mobility & Stability
- Leg Strength
- Flexion and Rotational Trunk Strength
- Hip/Pelvis Mobility
- High Volume of Work

All that fits the needs of 90% of all my clients.

Plus it develops one of the 6 Points of Fitness that I identify as
critical, and that is the ability to get you body up off the

Due to the dynamic demand of this drill it really requires that one
stays engaged with what it is that they are doing; this built in
benefit will allow the client to get the most strength and fat loss
benefit possible.

#3 - 2-Hand swing

This drill is #3 because of its quick and simple implementation. I
know of fitness coaches that use the 2 Hand swing as 1 of 2 primary
drills that use with their clients. 

Think about that - only two kettlebell drills and the 2 hand swing
is one of them, and they get really excellent results.

The shear volume of work that can done is astounding, as we know in
the fat loss world that more intense work = more fat loss.  

Along with that there is another little secret many often
overlooked about the 'swing' and that is the dynamic stretch you
get on the hip flexors, a very tight area for many of us.

#4 - The Double Kettlebell Front Squat.

My clients absolutely hate this drill, so much so that they
actually beg to be able to do barbell back squats.

If that doesn't tell you something about this drill I don't know
what does. 

The two great things about this drill are:

A) Any time we hold a weight on the front side of the body to squat,
it just makes squatting properly so much easier. Specifically that
act of pushing your 'hips back'.

B) Again because the weight is on the front side of the body, you
have to engage your core/trunk to a significant degree otherwise
the weight will pull you forward and down.

Pretty slick and your abs just get smoked doing this drill.

You end up getting an awesome leg and ab workout all at once.

#5 - Kettlebell Overhead Press

(I actually prefer double kettlebell overhead press, but single
KB's work well too)

The best thing about the kettlebell overhead press is that when
done well it is a:

- Dynamic shoulder mobility drill, this is due the way the
kettlebell sits it naturally allows the shoulder to move through a
very 'open/unrestricted'  range of motion.

- Along with that one that when the kettlebell is press properly it
is very much a total body movement even more so performed with


Troy uses these fat burning Kettlebell exercises in the TT-approved
"Smoke the Fat Kettlebell Program".

Claim your copy here:

=> SmokeTheFat.com

PS - Don't miss Troy's Sample Kettlebell Workout in the TT Member's area here:

=> Click Here for Troy's Sample KB Workout


  1. Anonymous4:15 AM

    I have been using Phentermine to burn my fat and it works really well, I ordered it from www.medsheaven.com you can easy loose lots of pounds with this without even working out, and if you do workout you will loose a lot more! this is the best fat loss medicine ever I highly recommend it.

  2. I love doing exercises to burn fat because I need to lose some weight before starting the routine I want based on situps and aerobics! I am going to try these exercises!

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