Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Smoke the Fat with Kettlebells

It is FINALLY here. A little late, but you know the old saying.

Troy Anderson and Josh Henkin's "Smoke the Fat Kettlebell Program" is now ready to help you...well, smoke the fat of course!

For months, I've been training with kettlebells...as I like to do when the weather gets a little warmer here in Toronto.

I do a big bodyweight warm-up, then swings, getting progressively heavier (I have a 35, 53, and 70lb kettlebell), and then move into Kettlebell snatches, overhead walks, and sometimes finish with high-rep swings or 1-arm farmer walks.

And with all of my traveling last week, I'm overdue for a KB workout, and will hit one just before lunch today.

But so many of you email in asking for kettlebell programs and more info on the lifts I'm doing that I practically begged Troy to create a program. So together with Josh, they cooked something up down in the Arizona desert where they both live and train men AND women with kettlebells.

Yes, women use kettlebells and still look lean and feminine, as you can see on the cover of Troy's workout program.

Plus, it comes with a DVD of the exercises, because a lot of this stuff will be new to you. And yes, there is also a beginner's
program for anyone new to hard workouts, let alone training with kettlebells. So grab your copy of the first Fat-Loss specific kettlebell program that shares the Russian Fat Burning Secret...

It's a workout that is Turbulence Training approved!

Click Here to Smoke the Fat

Say "Nyet" to belly fat,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Author, Turbulence Training

P.S. How can the Russian Kettlebells work for elite special forces AND Hollywood movie stars?

Usually, those two groups go together about as well as Karate and Pilates, but celebrity trainers from Pavel Tsatsouline to Missy Beaver in Hollywood are ALL using Kettlebells to help their clients Smoke the Fat off their bodies.

Click here to smoke YOUR fat with Kettlebells:


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