Monday, July 28, 2008

3-Minute Arms

This is the last week for the Original TT Workout...2k3 is next.


Prisoner Squat
Waiter's Bow
Forward Lunges
Shoulder Rotations
Neck rotations
Prisoner Squat
Waiter's Bow
Shoulder Mobility
1-Leg RDL
Side Stretch
Hip Flexor Stretch
Chest Stretch
Neck Rotations


1A) Overhand Grip Deadlift (295x8,6,6)
1B) DB Chest Press (95x7,6,5)

2A) Pistol (13, 8)
2B) DB 1-Arm Standing Shoulder Press (65x2x6)

3-minute arms

In response to all those folks who want more arm training in their TT workouts, I'm actually putting together a bonus ebook called 3-minute arms. I did one of the routines today...and it was twice as good as I expected it to be.

This will be ready in September...

It will be great, until someone comes up with 2 minute arms,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

PS - People are submitting their transformation photos already!

Only a few weeks till the final deadline, and we already have a couple of girls with ABS in their after photos!

Check them out on TT members in the Transformation forum.

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