Wednesday, July 02, 2008

15-Minute Total Body Ab Workout

Men's Health just contacted me with an emergency assignment...

...they wanted a program for their "15-Minute Workout" section, using exercises that readers can do at home with minimal equipment. (Sound familiar? I specialize in those things!)

So it was easy, I just grabbed a couple of exercises from my latest program, sent them this little ditty.

It will burn fat, build muscle, work your abs (hard!), and trains what I call, "The 4 Metabolism Boosting Hot Zones" of the body (more on those in the August workout of the month)...

Here's the program. You'll love it for a quick workout in the summer. (see below)

For more workouts like this, take advantage of my one-time only "Pre-Launch" Discount SALE on my Turbulence Training for Abs Home Abdominal Workout program.

=> Click HERE for the TT for Abs Discount Sale

(Sale ends July 4th at noon, EST. And then I also take down the photo of me AND my dog on that site posing with our six-pack abs!)

MH 15-Minute Total Body Ab Workout

-> Do a regular TT bodyweight warm-up before this circuit for 5 min.
-> No rest between exercises.
-> Rest 1 minute at the end of the circuit before repeating as many times as you can in the remainder of your 15-minute time frame.

1A) Dumbell Split Squat - 8 reps per side
1B) X-Body Mountain Climber - 12 reps per side
1C) Chin-up with Knee-up - 10 reps

Alternative exercises...if you don't have dumbells or a chin-up bar, or if these are too hard (safety first!):

1A) 1-Leg Squat/Pistol or 1-Leg Deadlift or 1-Leg Reaching Lunge
1B) Mountain Climber or Side Plank
1C) DB Pullover or Hanging Knee Raise or Stability Ball Rollout

Get ALL of these and more total body ab exercises and a 12-week abs program in the CRUNCH-FREE Home Abominal Workout Program HERE.

Get abs WITHOUT crunches or cardio,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Author, Turbulence Training

PS - Sale ends on Friday, July 4th at noon!

Get INDEPENDENCE from your belly fat with the TT for Abs program.


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