Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Tired Workout

Well, you probably can't expect much when you worked till 5am and 3am back-to-back nights on a project, and you got up at at 8am and 7am the next I was a little tired when I hit the gym today, and as a result, I held back and didn't push too hard for any personal bests.

But there were no excuses for skipping the workout entirely...

This also pretty much wraps up my time with the Intermediate TT program. As you can see by the photo at, TT has been good to me.

Next week I'll be up at the lake, with no gym access, but I'm taking my 35, 53, and 70 pound kettebells and a dog. Dog only weighs 63 pounds, but he's a little awkward to snatch - or even swing for that matter, so it will just be kettlebell workouts. Oh yeah, and blast straps too. And lots of bodyweight exercises.


Bench Press - 235x5

TT Intermediate Workout B
1A) Pistols (3x9)
1B) Stability Ball Rollout (3x15)

2A) DB Reverse Lunge (80x6, 70x8)
2B) Side Plank (80 seconds per side, 60 seconds per side)

3) DB Row (115x2x6)

I think its nap time.

But just make sure you don't sleep through my special offer at (see below for details).

Kettlebells tomorrow,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Author, Home Gym Workouts for Abs

PS - You only have until Friday to save time and $$$ on your 6-pack...

I'm having a special "Pre-Launch" Limited Time Offer on my NEW TT for Abs program...Once the July 4th Deadline hits, this offer will be REMOVED and the price will INCREASE to $39.95 when it is finally made available again.

But until then, this product is available for only $27.

NOTE: Platinum TT Members do NOT need to purchase this product. It is be included in your Platinum Membership. You can download the product in the Platinum Member's Area. 

Click Here for the NEW TT Abs program  

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