Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Today's Workout

On Tuesday, I did some kettlebell training, just a short amount. Quality, not quantity.

Today, was bench press and TT Intermediate Workout B. Tonight, filming the July Workout of the Month.

Bench Press - 235x3x5

1A) Pistols 3x8
1B) Stability Ball Rollout 3x15

2A) DB Reverse Lunge - 60x8, 75x8
2B) Side Plank - 65s, 45s

3A) DB Row - 110x10, 110x8
3B) Superman Back Extension - 12 reps with 10 pounds, 10 reps with 12 pounds

That's it. Lots of pictures to take tonight for a future project, so it will be lots of ab work.

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

PS - I have a NEW Free Report for Men that includes a NEW Sample TT Workout...

Click HERE to get your sample workout & meal plan to build muscle and lose fat

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