Wednesday, June 25, 2008

No More Girly Diets

One of a guy's biggest fears is that he'll have to go on a "girly" diet if he wants to lose his belly.

But that ain't the case.

And I prove that to you with my sample meal plan in my free report, ""How to Gain Muscle & Lose Fat"".

You get a chance to review the meal plan yet?

Yes, you get to eat eggs.

Yes, you get to eat meat.

Yes, you get to eat steak.

Yes, you get to eat fat.

Yes, you get to eat peanut butter.

One of the only things you have to skip is bread and potatoes. But I mean c'mon, that stuff is just filler.

Who the heck goes to a buffet for the potatoes?

And who goes out to dinner for the bread? Restaurants only put that out to fill you up on the cheap.

So check out pages SIX and SEVEN in the FREE report for a sample muscle building, fat burning meal plan.

Click Here to get How to Gain Muscle & Lose Fat

Feed your muscles to burn fat,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, M.Sc.
Author, Turbulence Training

PS. Here are more of the bonuses you get in the Turbulence Training for Fat Loss package...

1) Turbulence Training for Amazing Lower Abs

If you join today, you'll also get access to TWO killer ab workouts, including the Turbulence Training for Amazing Lower Abs
and my classic, Turbulence Training for Abs.

#2) 3-Months Free into the TT Membership Area

You'll get a new FR-EE workout EVERY month, and you'll benefit from the #1 factor overlooked in fat loss programs today, "The power of social support" - it really is the secret to your fat burning success.

#3) Turbulence Training Advanced Fusion Fat Loss 4-Week Program

The most challenging Turbulence Training workout to date. This 4-week program combines advanced athletic moves with dumbbell exercises AND bodyweight exercises into one of the most intense bodysculpting workouts I've ever designed.

Once you are finished with all of the Turbulence Training workouts, use this belly fat burning workout to build the body of your dreams in as little time as possible.

"Turbulence Training is a proven way to melt fat fast, while protecting your hard-earned muscle. I'm so confident in its
effectiveness that, over the years, I've recommended it to literally millions of readers. And the fantastic feedback I've
received from guys all over the world as a result ensures you'll be seeing a lot more of CB's programs in the magazine."
Adam Campbell, MS, CSCS, Sports and Nutrition Editor, Men's Health magazine

Click Here to Grab Turbulence Training on a $4.95 Trial Offer

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