Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Top 5 Motivational Tips

Last week I did a phone interview for another teleseminar series.

And I thought, "Here we go again. Same questions. Same answers. Nothing new for my members."

But then 75 minutes later I WAS BLOWN AWAY by the unique information that Jim Katsoulis had managed to pull out of me.

Heck, I didn't even know that some of this information was inside of me!

You MUST hear this call. If you are struggling with motivation, it will set you on the path to TRUE inspiration.

With my top 5 motivational tips, you'll stick to your TT workouts and nutrition plan, and achieve the body of your dreams, finally, in the summer of 2008.

This call will be re-played tonight, at 7pm EST, for FR-EE.

BUT...only on WEDNESDAY, June 25th, at 7pm.

Visit Jim's site here to signup for the info:

=> Click Here for the Top 5 Motivation Tips Audio Interview

I rarely make this strong of a recommendation for an audio program.

But you can't miss this.

It will be the TURNING POINT in your fat loss program.

I promise you, this is priceless information for folks struggling in their fat loss programs.

Helping you stay strong to burn fat,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

PS - Jim was a master interviewer...

...He really knew how to draw out the info...and exactly what questions to ask to get my top secrets - that again, even I didn't
know I had in me - to give you the gems you need to burn fat and stay on track.

Don't miss this call:

Visit Jim's site here to signup for the info:

=> Click Here to listen to this amazing fat loss interview

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