Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Bodyweight Challenge for You!

"Hard to the Core" fat loss month continues today with the 30-Minute Bodyweight Challenge.

Plus, there's a link at the end of the email to an interview where I spill the "5 Secrets to Help You Stop Cheating on Your Diet Forever" But first, I've got a challenge for you.

I want you to kick my butt in a workout...so let me know how many reps you can do in the 30-Minute Bodyweight Circuit.

=> Click Here to watch the Bodyweight Circuit Instructions

And here's the warmup video:

=> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L32jV_Yjaw0

My challenge to you is to beat my score of 630 reps. Now for a funny story about my math skills. Or lack thereof.

When I originally did the 30-minute challenge, I completed 5 circuits plus 5 additional reps of pullups. But for some reason, I added that all up to only 530 reps.

A couple of days later I realized my mistake, but then re-calculated it wrong again (!) so that in the video I say I did 580 reps. Just ignore that!

Finally, just yesterday I realized the correct number is 630 reps. That's my top score.

Here's how to calculate your score...

- Each circuit consists of 125 reps.

- Since I did 5 full circuits plus 5 pullups, my calculation is...

# of Reps = (5x125) + 5

= 625 + 5

Total reps = 630

(I apologize for the math flashback!)

So let's here from you...how many reps can you do?

Game on,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Author, Turbulence Training

PS - Who else wants to STOP cheating on their diet?

Discover the top 5 secrets to stop cheating and bingeing once and for all in this short, Fr-ee audio interview.

=> Click Here for Craig's 5 Tips to Stop Cheating!

I also reveal how to often to do circuits instead of intervals, PLUS what I think the "Best" form of exercise is today...

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