Monday, June 02, 2008

Advanced Ab & Interval Workout

Advanced Ab & Interval workout today, but first...The 5 Secrets to Stop Cheating on Your Diet

REVEALED: The 5 Secrets to Stop Cheating on Your Diet

I don't want to toot my own horn, but I just did a audio interview where I gave 5 awesome tips on how to stop cheating on your diet...

=> Click Here to Listen to the Cool Interview

WORKOUT: Advanced Fat Burning & Conditioning

Every month I like to have a "workout theme at Turbulence Training.

This month, I'm focusing on "Hard-to-the-Core" workouts...such as this one from my former coaching colleague, Dave Smit, from back in the day when I worked with Rugby Canada.

Dave, and another serious coach, Todd Lamb have teamed up to create Pro Training XTreme.

Now I'll be honest, I don't think you'll ever see workouts on Turbulence Training as advanced as the programs Dave and Todd have put together on their site.

This stuff is serious. This stuff is hard-to-the-core.

Click Here If You Want More ADVANCED Workouts

Here's a sample hybrid ab workout and interval training session from Pro Training XTreme.

NOTE: This is not for beginners. Proceed with caution!

The Pro Training XTreme Ab Interval Session

...After a thorough warm up...

30 seconds side plank (15 each side)

20 reps leg raises (don't let your feet touch)

Sprint 50 meters and do walking lunges back to the start

30 seconds reverse plank (elbows on ground, heels down, toes up)

30 second front plank

Sprint 40 meters and do walking lunges back to the start

30 second side plank (15 seconds each side)

30 seconds mountain climbers

Sprint 30 meters and do walking lunges back to the start

20 push ups

Rest 1 min and repeat sequence 2-3 times

You will definitely enjoy the benefits from this intense session!


If you are advanced or want to train like an advanced athlete, you can learn more about the Pro Training XTreme workouts here:

The Pro Training XTreme Workouts

REMEMBER -> This is an advanced workout. Not for beginners.

Train hard, but train safe,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Author, The Best Turbulence Training Program For You

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