Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Turbulence Training is a Life Saver

The latest Turbulence Training Testimonial Of the Month for May...

Turbulence Training (Intermediate Program) became a part of my life on May 12th, 2008 and since starting TT, I have dropped a total of 9.6 lbs in just a couple days shy of 3 weeks!!! GO CRAIG!!!

I am not certain how much muscle I have gained but I definitely feel an improvement in my strength and endurance. To make it even better, I hit my target weight of 225 lbs a week ahead of schedule, which is exactly a week before my 30th!!

I have set another goal in hopes of hitting 220 lbs by the first week of July but it's looking like I will crush yet another goal, since it seems like I am losing about a pound every day or two!

That is all due in part to my nutrition which I remain 110% focused on, counting calories, no fizzy drinks, no eating after 7pm and hardly any cheating on my "cheat days!" In addition, I try to stay active during the weekends and even hit the gym for some interval training on my "off" days!

All in all.....I FEEL GREAT and even more motivated to totally transform my body and my overall lifestyle. Thanks so much Craig....you are literally a LIFE SAVER!!!"
Mark Kays

Click HERE to start Turbulence Training for only $4.95

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