Sunday, May 25, 2008

What Turbulence Training Program To Start With?

Want to know what Turbulence Training workout is best for you?

Beginners should go to the main Turbulence Training for Fat Loss book and start with the Introductory workouts.

More experienced folks, but not advanced, should start with the Intermediate program in the main TT for Fat Loss book. That should cover 90% of TT users.

Advanced folks can start with the Original Turbulence Training workout found immediately after the Intermediate workout in the main TT for Fat Loss book.

After you complete your first program, please continue through the rest of the workouts in the main TT for Fat Loss book in that specific chronological order.

SAY "CHEEEEESE": May 31st TT Contest Deadline

Entries for the 2nd Turbulence Training Transformation Contest must be in before midnight on May 31st, 2008!

Find out all the rules and details on entering here:

=> Transformation Contest Rules

Don't forget your before photos must be taken with a newspaper.


PS - Still skeptical?

You can test drive Turbulence Training for only $5 for 21 days.

Click HERE for the TT Trial offer

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