Sunday, May 25, 2008

The "What Is Turbulence Training?" Contest

This is the number one question I get asked..."What is Turbulence Training?"

So...I'm going to turn it over to you...and I want you to tell me what you think "Turbulence Training is".

Best response(s) gets a 1-Year Platinum Membership.

I'll get this started...

Obviously I could say...
"Turbulence training is the combination of strength training - using non-competing supersets of multi-muscle movements - and fat burning interval training to help you get more results in less time"
...but that doesn't have a whole lot of heart and soul to it, does it?

So to me, Turbulence Training is...

"...a way of life.
It's the busy lifestyle-solution for men and women who are real people and want real results. It saves them time, money, energy, tears, and frustration, by eliminating so many exercise myths that did nothing but waste their time and make their goals seem impossible to achieve.
Turbulence Training shows you how to achieve the body you want while freeing up more time for you to LIVE LIFE and encourages you to stay active and even re-gain the joy of doing the activities from your youth that you gave up because you "became an adult" and got brainwashed that you could only lose fat running on a treadmill like a lab rat.
Turbulence Training is your key to getting out of that obsessive compulsive fitness lifestyle that sucks the joy out of being active. Turbulence Training is FUN and allows you to find more time to do other FUN things in your life."

I look forward to hearing your answer on the forum,
Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
PS - Become part of the Turbulence Training community today and visit the discussion forums where world-class nutrition and fat loss training experts are helping members tweak their diet and workout programs to lose fat, burn calories, and build muscle...

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