Monday, May 26, 2008

Turbulence Training Testimonial

"At 43 years of age, I was 245 pounds, in the worst shape of my life and unable to keep up with my 9 and 10 year old kids. At just under 5' 7" I was little more than a blob.

I have always been a very thick person but in my day I was always very muscular. I took control of my health and re-educated myself. After a year of tweaking my nutrition and workouts, I managed to get down to 195 pounds which is no small feat.

I have kept off the weight for over a year, but I found my workouts were stagnant and I needed
something that met all my needs. In comes Turbulence Training. In all my research and discoveries of good workout regimens, I have never found one that meets all the needs of a complete, intense and diverse routine...until TT. TT covers every possible angle and takes people from every ability and works them into progressively better condition.

In following the TT for Muscle routine for around 4 weeks, I have seen an increase in strength, endurance and lean muscle mass. I have also seen a loss of 1.5 inches on my waist. Although my scale still reads 195, my body composition is constantly changing.

I am down from 19.5% body fat to 18% body fat and with TT, I WILL reach 12%. I like my weight at 195 and with the innovations that TT provides to burn fat and build muscle, I will be able to burn off the last pounds of fat and gain even more muscle than ever before.

Thanks Craig!"

Mike Cheliak


Being able to keep up with your kids is a common problem we have as we get older...and you might have noticed it on your long holiday weekend.

Is it time for you to get back in shape? If so, Turbulence Training is the way to help you get fit and lose fat fast, while working out at home or at the gym if you prefer.

You've got nothing to lose but fat itself,

Click Here to take the TT Trial Offer - 21 Days for only $4.95

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