Tuesday, May 27, 2008

So How Bad Was It?

So...for all my American friends, how bad was your nutrition this Memorial Day?

(Or for Canadians, how was your May 2-4 Diet? For those in the UK, how did you do on the recent Bank Holiday? And for those down under, well, how is your weekendnutrition? Do you do great from Monday to
Thursday and then go downhill from there?)

Frankly, I hope that you held strong and limited yourself to one or two reward meals that didn't turn into big ol' holiday binges...

...but if you did get a little off track, I have some tips about how to start burning fat. I was recently asked...

Q: If someone struggles to make dietary changes, what are 3 simple tips you'd recommend?

Well, I'll answer this looking at both nutrition and exercise.

1) You have to plan ahead - for both diet and exercise.

You have to plan your workouts. You have to plan your meals. You also have to plan to have solutions for the obstacles you come up against.

So think of every obstacle you come up against in a week...

And then brainstorm at least 2 solutions.

For example, if working late is an obstacle, you could put down, "Packing an extra healthy snack" or "Working out in the morning" as solutions.

Another big obstacle is late night snacking. So while most people know they have to plan their meals, but they don't realize they also need a plan for avoiding night snacking. So plan for everything!

2) Get more knowledge

Learn about what works for you.

Record your food intake on a site like FitDay.com.

Identify what foods keep you full and alert, and avoid the foods that do the opposite.

Also, track your workouts. Which workouts give you best results?

What type of cardio works best for you?

What exercises do you love? What exercises do you hate? (Note: We should all do more of the ones we hate!)


The more you know and track, the more you will know about what works for you.

3) Get social support

You need friends or family backing you up on this.

Fortunately, if your "real world" friends just want to drag you to Pizza Hut, you can find support from other people online who will help you live a fat burning lifestyle.

And there's no better place for fat loss support on the Internet than in the TT Member's Area.

I promise you that everyone there is happy to help and support you on your fat loss journey.

But just remember - no one can do this on their own. We all need social support - whether it's in person or online.

I look forward to seeing you benefit from the social support waiting for you in the TT Member's forums.

And don't forget you get a 6-month f-r-e-e- membership bonus with TT if you get started before May 31st,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Author, Turbulence Training

PS - You Only Have 4 Days Left to Enter the Transformation Contest!

If you want to burn fat, eat better, get support from others, and possibly even win to $2000 just for losing your belly, then please join the Turbulence Training Transformation Contest.

Read all the details here & enter before May 31st:

=> http://www.TransformationContest.com/rules

PPS - Turbulence Training isn't like any other fat loss program.

In fact, you might even think TT is kind of weird.

TT doesn't make you do long slow, boring cardio.

TT doesn't require you to go to the gym everyday.

In fact, TT is Lifestyle-friendly. And it gets results faster than anything else.

"Been running for 6 months with minimal weight loss. Since starting TT, I have lost 10 lbs. in 2 months. A God Send. Thanks."
Chris Schwartz, M.D.

"I've just finished my third week of Turbulence Training and I already see amazing results. I've been weight training for about five years, so I really thought I knew a thing or two. Then I found Turbulence Training. My clothes are already feeling looser, and my waistline is shrinking."
Wilhelmina Seamans

Please visit this link to get started with Turbulence Training:

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