Wednesday, May 07, 2008

How to Look 10 Years Younger

When I turned 30 a couple of years ago we had a boys night out, and went to one of those fancy dinner places here in the big city of Toronto.

Later that night, we met up with a group of young ladies, and one girl pulled me aside for a private conversation. When she asked me how old I was, I made her guess. And to my pleasant surprise, she guessed, "25". She thought I was younger than she was!

These days, no one believes I'm over 28 - even though I'm turning 33 this month. And when I turn 100, I bet I won't look a day over 87.

(PS - You're all invited to my 100th birthday's going to be a blast! Details to about 65 years).

I look young, I feel great, and I'm strong and fit thanks to the Turbulence Training Lifestyle.

And YOU can look and feel 5, 10, and even 15 years younger if you start eating and exercising with the exact time-saving methods I recommend in Turbulence Training.

Stop living the Western-lifestyle and do short, fat burning workouts with minimal equipment while cutting out foods from a bag or a box.

With Turbulence Training there are no extreme diets and no long, marathon workouts. TT is just a fat burning solution designed for men and women with today's busy lifestyles.

Here's what can happen when you decide that enough is enough and that it's time to change your body...

Kristine Willis looked 10 years younger after only 4 weeks of Turbulence Training.

And Steve Hays lost 33 pounds and 10 years from his face in only 12 weeks of Turbulence Training.

Look how happy they are here...


Of course, who wouldn't look happy if they lost all that weight and looked 10 years younger?

When you live the Turbulence Training lifestyle, you'll look 5-10 years younger - at least. That's my promise to you.

So even thou gh we're another day older today, it doesn't mean we have to look it!

Get started turning back the clock today,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

PS - You only have until midnight tonight, Wednesday May 7th to get:

- The Bikini Ready Abs Workout
- The Advanced Kettlebell Fat Loss Workout
- The Troublespot Tune-up for Women Workout
- The Home Gym Warrior Workout for Building Muscle
- The Ab Index & Ab Sculpting Workouts
- All my bonus TT Workouts
- And 6-Months Fr-ee Membership to Turbulence Training

Click HERE for the Turbulence Training workouts & the limited time 10 Birthday Bonus gifts:

"By showing me an effective, efficient way to work out and supporting me along my journey I've begun to make changes in my appearance which have helped me my find my inner strength and confidence. Thanks to participating in the TT Transformation Contest I'm ready to take on new challenges and I'm no longer making excuses for not following my dreams."
Kristine Willis

==> Click HERE for the Turbulence Training workouts & Bonuses 

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