Wednesday, May 07, 2008

3 Simple Fat Loss Rules

Another fat loss program question from Dr. Chris Mohr...

Q: If someone struggles to make dietary changes, what are 3 simple steps would you first recommend as the cornerstone of a solid program?


Well, I'll answer this looking at both nutrition and exercise.

1) You have to plan ahead - for both diet and exercise.

You have to plan your workouts. You have to plan your meals. You also have to plan to have solutions for the obstacles you come up against. Most people know they have to plan their meals, but they don't realize they also need a plan for avoiding night snacking. So Plan!

2) Get more knowledge

Learn about what works for you. Record your food intake on a site like Identify what foods keep you full and alert, and avoid the foods that do the opposite.

Also, track your workouts. Which ones give you results? What type of cardio is a waste of time? Etc.

3) Get social support

You need friends or family backing you up on this. Fortunately, if your "real world" friends just want to drag you to Pizza Hut, you can find help online, such as in the Turbulence Training Member's Area where everyone is happy to help and support you on your fat loss journey.

But just remember - no one can do this on your own. Get social support!

See you on the forums,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Fat Loss Workouts for Overweight Men & Women

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