Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Fat Loss Workouts for Obese Men & Women

Fat loss for obese people can follow the same Turbulence Training workouts that fat loss for advanced people will follow, but we just need to adjust the exercises and intensity. The principles remain the same.

We'll use multi-muscle exercises. We'll do them in superset pairs. And yes, we'll even use interval training for this. It will be modified, but we can still do it.

Recently, my friend and nutrition expert Dr. Chris Mohr interviewed me on how an obese person can use Turbulence Training for fat loss.

Q: Craig, what do you do if you have an extremely obese individual who is totally inactive -- is TT still the best recommendation?

Yes, it still is.

I built the Turbulence Training system working with men and women from 14-75, and my experience included many obese men and women along the way, including men over 300 pounds and women over 225 pounds.

Provided their doctor approved them for exercise, we were ready to go! 

So that's why I've included the Introductory and Beginner Level TT Workouts in the Turbulence Training for Fat Loss manual. Any sedentary individual, man or woman, needs to start there.

In fact, the very first phase is performed with 90% of the exercises done lying on the ground. Users are shocked to see how hard LYING exercises can be...but they are the perfect blend of safety and intensity for overweight, inactive folks.

The perfect starting point.

That brings up one other thing...and the main point beginners need to understand is that NUTRITION is the key to fat loss in the first couple of weeks when they are getting back into exercise.

Folks will get more results from following your meal plans. That said, they need to choose an exercise program that will build them up for future training sessions...and that's what my TT workouts do.

On the other hand, if inactive folks launch right into a serious cardio/endurance program, they'll get a sour taste of the "Dark Side of Cardio" pretty quick, putting them in the Doctor's office with overuse injuries.

So choose your fat loss weapons wisely when just starting out!

If you are a beginner, make sure to check with your doctor before starting a new diet or exercise program.

Safety first,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

Click HERE to get all the Time-limited TT Birthday Bonuses

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