Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Big Guys With Lots of Muscle Can't Do Turbulence Training...

...can they? If you lift weights, can bench over 300 pounds, and have a lot of muscle, is there enough strength training in the Turbulence Training program?

I think you might be surprised by the answer...

"Craig, I found out about Turbulence Training by following your Men's Health Body Weight 500 routine.  

Initially, I was wary of the routine because of my strength training background, but I needed something new that was not centered around big weights.  

Months before I began the Body Weight 500 I separated my shoulder while I was pumping out a few reps at 405 on the bench, talk about a scary feeling. Unfortunately, this was not the first time I had injured myself by being overzealous with my lifts.  

So, I turned to the internet to in hopes to find a routine that would focus on total body development and weight loss, disdaining cardio and flying a desk for a living doesn't help with the battle of the bulge.

After thumbing through a few routines out there I determined that the Bodyweight 500 was a great place to start. I consider myself an advanced level athlete but I could stand to lose few pounds for vanities sake and I loved the idea of using your body as resistance.  

I went from 254 to 245 over the 8 week program without losing any lean mass! That may not sound like a lot but when you consider I made no change to my lifestyle and torn my hamstring playing rugby in the middle of the program, pretty darn impressive.  

So, I went on line for more of your routines and discovered Turbulence Training. I picked up the Premium Package and plan on working my way through all the programs. I'll keep you posted on my progress! Thanks Craig!!!"
Chad Adams


Still Skeptical?

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