Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Fat Burning Meal Plans for Men & Women

Enough with the theory, you just want to know what to eat to lose fat and get lean, right? So here are two fat burning meal plans...one is for men, the other is for women. They might not suit your exact situation, but they show you how two fitness experts eat to fight the fat.

I posted my fat burning diet on my blog at Men's Health. It might be a little high in calories for some guys, but it will show you exactly what I eat when I need to get lean for doing videos.

Click HERE to read my Fat Burning Meal Plan

PS...I answer some follow up questions here:

=> Meal Plan Follow Up Questions

And for women, I asked Holly Rigsby, America's #1 Fat Loss Expert For Moms, to post her fat burning diet.

Click HERE to Read Holly's Fat Burning Meal Plan for Women

Healthy fat burning meal plans without going to extremes,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Author, Turbulence Training

PS - The June TT Workout of the Month is now READY!

The fat burning bodyweight exercise challenge that you can do in 30 minutes at the playground! How many reps can YOU do?

In this program, I'm flipping the Bodyweight Challenges "upside down". Instead of doing a certain number of reps as fast as possible, you're going to do as many reps as possible in a given amount of time.

Download it from the TT Member's section.

(Don't forget - You get a 6-month TT Membership when you order TT before May 31st.)

Visit this link to get started with Turbulence Training:

Workout video tips:
=> how to burn fat

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