Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Social Support for Fat Loss is Better Than Intervals

There's something out there that's even better than interval training for fat burning.

But NO ONE talks about it.

In fact, it's even more powerful than the TT workouts.

It's better than slow cardio, Body-For-Life, Hip Hop Abs, P90X, Kettlebells, Barbells, dumbells, and doorbells.

It's called, SOCIAL SUPPORT.

It's true. Social support kicks any workout's butt.

I truly believe that if you have social support than you can succeed on any fat loss program. Even long slow cardio workouts.

Social support is that powerful.

And that's why...

I created the Turbulence Training Transformation Contest .

That's why I have a forum where men and women from all over the world can share their trials and tribulations and find someone else who has gone through and overcome the same struggles they are going through right now.

That's why I give bonus memberships to folks who help out the most on the forum. Because I know they bring untold value to the lives of other members.

You can't place a value on the feeling that positive words can have on your mood when you are frustrated and disappointed by a snack you shouldn't have eaten or a workout you might have skipped.

But your social support group will always be there to pick you up when you are down.

They'll push you further on days where you think you can start coasting.

TT Members will even check in and ask why you haven't posted your workouts in days.

They'll help you "throw 7 different kinds of smoke in your fat burning workouts". (Sorry, inside joke with TT Members.)

Heck, TT Members will even show up on your doorstep at 5:30am and remind you that it's time to workout!

(Okay, they might not do that last one...Yet.)

So if you don't have social support in your fat loss lifestyle, make that priority #1 today!

-> Find a workout mentor at your gym.

-> Hook up with a nutrition buddy at work.

-> Pick someone in your family and make them hold you accountable for your eating and exercising decisions.

-> Say to a trainer at your gym, "hey, can you help me?"

Those are powerful words right there. "Can you help me?"

So hard to say, yet so wonderful to hear.

You know, one of those "little things in life" that makes me really happy is being asked for directions by visitors to Toronto. It just makes me feel good to help someone new to the city find their way around town.

And it will be the same way in the gym when you ask someone with more experience to give you a hand.

They will be MORE than happy to help you. To mentor you.


And believe me, nothing will get you the results that support from others will get you.

Don't try doing this all on your own when there are so many people, so many strangers even from all over the world, who are happy to help you succeed! (And to save you from making the same mistakes that they made in the past.)

See you on the forums,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Author, Turbulence Training

PS - Try out the forums & social support with the TT Trial Offer...

I've arranged for you to try Turbulence Training for only $4.95 for the next 21-days.

If you don't like it...just contact us and cancel, and you'll be refunded your $4.95 and no additional charges will be made.

So if you're still skeptical about how you can lose fat and build confidence about your body in only 3 workouts per week, this is your chance to try out the fat burning system that is helping thousands of men and women all over the world...

Click HERE for the Turbulence Training Trial Offer  

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