Thursday, April 17, 2008

Lose 30 Pounds in 3 Months

If you want to lose 30 pounds in 3 months, then you have to read Steve Hays' fat loss story (Vote for him HERE). It's the success story that all overweight men dream he lost over 30 pounds in less than 90 days...

12 weeks ago, I was nearly 34 pounds heavier. I was 271 pounds, the heaviest I'd ever been in my life.

I felt fat. My XL clothes were tight, and I had just bought size 40 jeans (a first in my life). Despite all this, I didn't do anything about it, until my 3 year old son asked me why I had "big boobies." I can't think of a more embarrassing question a son can ask his Dad.

I have three kids, and my oldest is only 4 years old, so I didn't have a lot of time to dedicate to getting in shape. I thought it took 90 minutes a day, 6 days a week to get into shape. In addition, I've never been able to stick with a nutrition or workout plan for longer than a month. Then I read about Turbulence Training.

I found great support from Craig and the rest of the great people in the forums. As I progressed further into my 12-week transformation, I found that my body was losing fat extremely quickly, but more importantly, my mindset was changing. I found myself looking forward to the workouts, and looking forward to eating good foods.

I never worked out more than 3 days a week. In fact, I had overworked myself at the beginning, and worked out only once in the first 18 days of the contest, and it showed: I only lost 2 pounds. For the last 66 days, I really started following the Turbulence Training program to the letter, and ended up losing 32 pounds in that time.

Programs used:

Weeks 1-3: Bodyweight 200. Once.
Week 4-5: Intermediate TT
Week 6-9: Original TT
Week 10: Hardcore TT
Weeks 11-12: TT for Abs

This is the first time in my life I feel like I am in decent shape. Before the contest, I couldn't do any chinups, now I can do almost 4. Before, I had trouble bench pressing 55lb dumbbells. Now, I use 75lb dumbbells.

Finally, the bodyweight 200 circuit that I did as my first TT workout took me nearly 30 minutes to complete, and made me feel like I was about to die afterward. Today, I did the exact same workout in under 13 minutes, and felt ready to do another couple rounds.

Turbulence Training works. I am proof of that. But I'm also proof that it only works if you put the principles into practice. Once I read the book, I intellectually knew how I could lose fat. Now that I've followed the program, I know how to lose fat.
Steve Hays - Vote for him HERE
Thank you Steve, and congrats to you and the other 7 finalists over at

If you haven't voted yet, get over there and vote!

You only have until Monday,


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