Friday, April 18, 2008

Joey Atlas Exercises for Abs & Your Butt

Today, let's step out of our comfort zone and hear from a trainer who thinks a little differently than me.

I was recently emailing back and forth with a "booty-building" expert named Joey Atlas (visit his site here), because I wanted him to give me some of his best ab and butt sculpting tips.

I'm relentless when it comes to finding out new training info, so eventually, in order to get me to quit bothering him, Joey gave me 4 reverse crunch variations and 3 variations of a butt exercise.

Joey also had two key points that are a little different from my way of training people.

First, he doesn't believe in switching up the entire program every 4 weeks like I insist.

Instead, he just wants you to modify the exercises you are doing. So I guess that isn't a huge deviation from my methods, but its still a little different.

Next, Joey really likes reverse crunches. I'm not a huge fan of them, but he does make a pretty good case for them with these four variations...

Here's Joey with his tips...

For abs and core - one of my all time favorite exercises is the reverse crunch. Now, most people - if they've even ever heard of the reverse crunch - stop there, and then want to know "another
exercise for the abs".

The truth is, the basic reverse crunch can be morphed into at least 4 variations. These are:

1 - Cross leg reverse crunch
2 - Twisting reverse crunch
3 - Incline/Decline reverse crunch
4 - Side to side reverse crunch

The second example features my all time favorite butt and thigh exercise - the one leg hip extension (OLHE). This exercise is done with a simple floor mat and it can easily be morphed into 3
variations. These are:

1 - OLHE with a stability disk or small ball (soccer ball size)
2 - OLHE with 55cm swiss ball
3 - OLHE using the edge of your couch or an ottoman

Make your program fun and realistic by modifying the exercises you already know how to do - without having to do a complete fitness program makeover every 2 or 3 months.

It's easier to stick with and you won't stress out, thinking you 'have to change everything around again' - while still reaping the desired benefit - results.

Thank you Joey, interesting perspective.

For women interested in toning their trouble spots, Joey has just launched a new program called "The Lower Body Makeover".

Check out his butt, hip, & thigh exercises here:
=> Lower Body Makeover

Helping you build better abs and a better butt,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

PS - Don't miss Joey's article...

..."Five Facts You Must Know In Order to Make Dramatic Improvements In Your Leg, Butt, Hip and Thigh Areas"

Click HERE to read Joey's article's on the 5 facts for a better butt

1 comment:

  1. While I'm fond of more compound moves (like the squats, lunges and step ups listed above) since they work more muscle groups, the hip extension is an exercise that specificially targets the largest muscle in the body...the gluteus maximus
