Wednesday, April 16, 2008

The Truth About Bodyweight Ab Circuits

I recently interrogated Mike Geary on the best way to get a set of 6-pack abs...and he was kind enough to pass on a bodyweight ab circuit.

CB: Tell us about your favorite bodyweight exercises and how youuse them in a fat loss program.  


I like to combine bodyweight exercises and free weight exercises into what I call "tri-sets" or "quad-sets" (aka - mini circuits).

Basically, I pick 3 or 4 exercises that don't work the same body movements (non-competing) and combine them into high intensity mini-circuits for my clients.  

A great bodyweight circuit for ab training example would be:  

1. Mountain climbers for 20-30 seconds

2. Dumbbell squat & presses (combination squat then press overhead)

3. Stability ball leg curl-ins 

4. Stability ball plank holds (a little harder than a floor plank)  

This type of circuit can be done without much rest at all between exercises and we would repeat the circuit several times before moving to a new circuit.  This creates a high intensity fat burning workout that works almost every muscle in the entire body.

CB: Thanks Mike! You can grab Mike's program for only $5 on a trial offer at:


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