Monday, April 07, 2008

How to Look 10 Years Younger

Kristine Willis made the most incredible 4-week change with Turbulence Training that I have ever seen. And she continued burning fat for another 8 weeks, and easily looks 10 years younger than she did only 12 weeks ago.

Plus, she lost over 16 pounds of fat (and FOUR inches from her waist) while spending LESS time working out than she did before!

Here's Kristine's powerful story. She looks fantastic! Congratulations Kristine.

I've been putting off submitting my essay because it's difficult to find the words to express the difference the TT program has made in my life. I don't feel like the same person I was on January 1st.

So many times in the past, the beginning of a new year would have come and I would have vowed to make changes in my life. My problem was I didn't know what changes to make. In previous years I didn't have the courage or motivation to actually follow through with my dream of reaching my goal weight, I always made excuses.

With Turbulence Training I didn't have anything to lose but weight! You'd never guess from my before photos but I was actually spending more time at the gym before I started TT.

I would often go to the gym and spend 20 minutes on the bike, 20 minutes on the treadmill and then 20 minutes on the elliptical, all in an effort to lose fat. I can't believe how much time I wasted!

The fact that Turbulence Training only takes 45 minutes for a workout was definitely something that piqued my interest from the very beginning. The intervals are so much more effective, and I'm gaining muscle.

I'm continuing toward my ultimate goal of being able to do an unassisted chin up. I used the following programs during my 12 weeks:

Weeks 1-4 TT 2K3
Weeks 5-8 TT 2K6
Weeks 9-12 TT for Female Strength

Here are my stats from the beginning and the end of my transformation. (Sorry, but I don't know what my bodyfat measurements were before or after.)

My starting weight was 183 lbs
chest - 43"
waist - 38"
hips - 44"

My final measurements are:
Weight 167lbs (-16lbs)
Chest 41 inches (-2")
Waist 34 inches (-4")
Hips 41 3/4 inches (-2 1/4")

I logged my food intake in which helped me see if I was eating a well-balanced diet. It was interesting to see if I was getting all of the nutrients my body needed and it helped me find balance on the days I had a few extra treats.

I loved being able to read about everyone's journey. The support network at is incredible. The words of encouragement, the suggestions, and the support that was always available helped keep me accountable but also helped keep me strong. I realized I was not alone in my journey.

By showing me an effective, efficient way to work out and supporting me along my journey I've begun to make changes in my appearance which have helped me my find my inner strength and confidence.

Thanks to participating in the TT Transformation Contest I'm ready to take on new challenges and I'm no longer making excuses for not following my dreams.

Kristine Willis

Great stuff!

Only one week left in the Turbulence Training Transformation Contest,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Author, Turbulence Training

PS - Here is more on the Belly Fat Burning Workout program used by Kristine.

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