Sunday, April 06, 2008

Great Body to Amazing Body!

Most young women would love to look like Laura's "before" photos, let alone her after- Turbulence Training photos...especially her in her new bikini.

I tell ya one thing, Laura's transformation is a real "in your face" to all the nay-sayers who believe that resistance training just causes a woman to get "bulky".

Clearly, judging by Laura's transformation, that certainly isn't the case. As always, the pictures are worth 1000 words. Great work Laura!

Three keys to Laura's success

1) Diligent documenting of her nutrition and workouts. She was a star on the fat loss forum.

2) Strength training & Interval training

3) Goal setting (and reviewing her goals)

Here's Laura's story...

My 12-week Turbulence Training transformation started on January 7th, 2008.

I felt frustrated and out-of-shape. After working a desk job for a few years my clothes weren't fitting any more and I was desperate to get my old body back.

I had spent thousands of dollars on a personal trainer (which I am still paying off to this day), tried numerous fad diets, was reading fitness literature with conflicting messages, and was spending 45 minutes to an hour every morning on an elliptical machine thinking it would burn body fat and give me the fit look I wanted. None of it offered me a solution that was livable. I only ended up worn out, in debt, frustrated, and above all confused.

When I discovered Turbulence Training on the web and realized it only involved doing three workouts a week with weight training and about 20 minutes of cardio it sounded like a dream. With that regimen I could reclaim so much of my free time, while getting the results so many TT were are seeing. I had nothing to lose and I immediately purchased the Turbulence Training program.

I joined the transformation contest because I knew I needed some accountability to get myself on track and above all, it looked like fun.

My goals for the end of the 12-weeks were to increase strength, and lose body weight, fat and inches.

Over the 12-weeks I followed a reduced calorie diet (following Dr. Mohr's guidelines) trying to eat as clean as I could at all times. I used the TT For Fat Loss Intermediate workout, the TT for Women Beginner/Intermediate workout, the TT for Women Advanced Workout and finished with the TT for Fat Loss 2K8 workout.

The contest definitely gave me motivation, but ultimately turned into so much more. The support I found from the TT community was amazing: everyone sharing tips and encouraging one another…it was really an incredible experience. I learned so much about training and nutrition through the TT manuals, Craig's advice and interviews, and other TT users.

When there was temptation to slack on my nutrition or skip a workout, Craig and the fellow TTers were always there to remind me to "Stay strong!" When I made gains in my workouts, like being able to finally do decline push-ups, the forum was there to cheer me on.

Today, so much of the body-self consciousness I have always felt has slowly faded. I'm back into my size fours and I finally took charge of my health. I feel confident and fantastic. Turbulence Training has armed me with an arsenal of fat-burning workouts that really work and make the most effective use of my time! I know now that being fit isn't impossible. I can work my desk job and live a fitness lifestyle. The proof lies in the numbers…

January 7th, 2008
Weight: 140 lbs
% Body Fat: 23.7%
Waist: 27.5"
Hip: 39"

March 30th, 2008
Weight: 131 lbs
% Body Fat: 19%
Waist: 25.25"
Hip: 37.25"

These were just the first 12 weeks of the rest of my life. Thanks Craig!

Laura Meyers


There you go. She lost 9 pounds of fat and 2 inches off her hips and waist by doing a challenging strength training program.

So enough with the "Weights make women bulky" myth, it just isn't true if you follow the Turbulence Training plan.

Keep up the great work Laura,

Click HERE to get started with Turbulence Training

Join Laura and the rest of the TT Members gang at the fat loss forum

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