Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Weight Loss Tips for Abs

Got a new video for you...my top 3 weight loss tips. These will help you get lose belly fat and get your abs.

Watch it here:
=> Weight Loss Tips

Don't miss the videos on ab exercises either,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Author, Turbulence Training  

PS - Have you been to our "one of a kind" TT Forum?

There's no place on the Internet where you'll get the powerful social support like that which we have in the Turbulence Training Member's Forum.

People from all around the world are banding together to keep one another on track, and our transformation contest proves that it works.

"I started Turbulence Training at 210 pounds and 33% body fat, but after 12 weeks I'm down to 188 pounds and 21% body fat. I have lost 12% bodyfat which equates to a gain of 8lbs in lean body mass and a total loss of 30lbs fat. The progress I have made in 12 weeks has stunned me - I never knew I had it in me!"
Chris Curtis, Police Officer, UK

Plus, nowhere else can you get a response from me, Craig Ballantyne, to all of your fat loss and nutrition questions.

"The TT membership is amazing. I'm still surprised at how quickly I get a response to any question. Talk about overdelivering!"
Mickey Glick

Join us on the TT forums when you get started with Turbulence Training for Fat Loss.

Click this link to get started:

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