Thursday, April 24, 2008

How to Lose 20 Pounds with Turbulence Training

TT loses 20 pounds of fat with TT...

Another TT success story...

"I've been in the weight-lifting and exercise game for almost ten years now and for as long as I can remember I have been chasing the elusive "6-pack".

During this time I've always maintained a relatively fit look, but was never able to get my nutrition and exercise consistent enough to go beyond just "fit" and achieve a lean, athletic body, and most importantly to me, one with abs!

Craig introduced his transformation contest right at a time when I had been "bulking up" for way too long and had left my healthy eating habits to the wayside. I wasn't satisfied with the way I looked and I really needed something to help me bring back my focus and intensity to my diet and training.

So I entered the contest at a big 240 pounds and 18% body fat (I restarted my 12-week period 4 weeks later, but ended up regretting this decision because my final photo comparison would have been more dramatic if I used my original start date).

These are the workouts I used:

4 Weeks prior to official contest start: TT 2k5
Weeks 1-4: Fusion Fat Loss – Advanced
Weeks 5-7: TT 2k3
Weeks 7-12: Feb TT Circuit Workout

Here are my final measurements:(first number is Day 1; second number is day 84):

Body Weight: 229.6 --> 209.6 lbs

Waist girth: 38" --> 35"

Upper Arm girth flexed: 16" --> 15.75

Body Fat % (acc. to 3 site method): 16.34% --> 7.9%

I started the first few weeks strong, just like any other time I've attempted to find my six pack. But about four weeks in, I noticed something was different about this time. My motivation was rock solid. I had not yet missed a single workout, hadn't had a single cheat day, cheat meal or even a cheat bite! I was intensely focused.

Why was this time any different?

Two reasons: First, and in my mind most important, is the phenomenal social support community Craig has established on his website. To be a part of a community of people all working towards a common goal is extremely motivating.

Reading about each others' daily challenges and small victories really pushed me to stay consistent and not give in to any temptation to eat junk or skip workouts. I had a group of people that I felt accountable to, and without that I truly believe I could not have maintained the same consistency and discipline.

In the fat loss game, consistency is absolutely key and these 12 weeks have helped me establish habits that will benefit me the rest of my life. Social support really is the powerful factor Craig has always said it is.

The second thing would have to be the simplicity and efficiency of Craig's programs. I was never in the gym more than an hour and, at times, the workouts felt TOO short! But I just stuck with Craig's programs and week by week, the fat kept falling off.

So 12 weeks from my "restart" I have dropped 21 lbs of fat, gained a pound of muscle, lost 3 inches off my waist, reduced my body fat to 8% and, best of all, now I have a six pack!!"
Tim Thomas

Click HERE to use the same workouts Tim used to get 6-pack abs

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