Thursday, April 24, 2008

300 Workout Vs Bodyweight 500 Workout

Q: What's the difference between the 300 workout from Men's Health magazine and your Bodyweight 500 program? It's similar in name, but much different in design, isn't it?


It is, that's correct.

First, and most importantly, I want to state clearly, for the record, that I did not invent the 300 workout. Never claimed to. All I did was film the exercises for Men's Health magazine and Youtube.

That said, the 300 workout was described in the original Men's Health article as a "rite of passage".

I look at the 300 workout as being like a powerlifting event. You only do that once in a while. Not every week, let alone everyday. You need to get really "psyched up" for that.

Click HERE to watch the Bodyweight 500

Click HERE to discover the 300 workout exercises

The 500 is different, because in each of the weeks preceding the 500 workout, there was an incrementally more difficult bodyweight challenge, starting with the lowly, yet still tough for many, bodyweight 100 in week 1.

Then depending on your fitness, it could take you 4-8 weeks to work your way up to the 500.

Its kind of, and I emphasize "kind of", like training for a marathon, or better yet, a 10k road race.

When training for a marathon or 10k, you do your regular workouts during the week
and then a long run on the weekend.

Similar to what we are doing here...2 workouts during the week, and then a bodyweight challenge on the weekend.

Similar to the 300, but different, and unique.

Lots of fun though.

The main lesson I've learned from doing these types of workouts is that so many men and women - mostly men, but women too - love the challenge aspect of the program because it keeps them motivated and interested.

Doing the same thing week in and week out is easy for the dedicated, but for those easily distracted by shiny objects, knowing that you have a new challenge each week - and one that you can compare slightly to the week prior or to a friend - keeps you much more motivated to keep going on a fat loss program.

Train smart and safe,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Author, Turbulence Training to Gain Muscle & Lose Fat

PS - You can gain muscle and lose fat at the same time...

Find out more about this and other fat loss myths at:


  1. Like I posted before in other page of yours, maintaining on a regular weekly basis a sport is what had kept me on shape and healthy, in my case soccer and tennis.

  2. Great post!
    I agree with same thing that week in and week out is easy for the dedicated, but for those easily distracted by shiny objects, knowing that you have a new challenge each week - and one that you can compare slightly to the week prior or to a friend - keeps you much more motivated to keep going on a fat loss program. Great post.

    Fitness personal trainer
