Thursday, April 24, 2008

Long Distance Runner Loves Turbulence Training

There are a lot of Turbulence Training skeptics out there, and a lot of folks who think long, slow distance running is the best way to lose weight. Well, here's a story about a former skeptic who had to deal with the dark side of cardio (overuse injuries), and found Turbulence Training to be a life-changing experience...

From our resident Pastry Chef, and former long, slow boring cardio gal, here's MsMiles' story...


"Turbulence Training has completely changed my body composition and my attitude toward working out.

Coming into this contest, I was a reasonably fit endurance athlete who never lifted weights and had chronic overuse
injuries. I could run 50K races, but my upper body strength was negligible and I was uncomfortable even looking at the free weight room.

I was burned out on long-distance running and seeking a new goal, something that would challenge me, give me focus, and reshape my body, especially the soft middle section that had developed due to my pastry career.

I admit that I was skeptical about the whole three-days-a-week training approach. As an ultrarunner I am used to putting in lots of long, slogging hours to train for events. It didn't seem like I would be spending enough time in the gym to see any results, and I was especially unsure about the short intervals—it went against all the training I have done as a long-
distance runner!

All of my doubts were entirely unfounded.

Weight loss: 6 lbs
Waist: 26” (-1.75”)
Belly Button: 27” (-2.25”)
Hips: 35” (-1”)
Thighs: 21.5”
I’ve lost at least 6 lbs of body fat, which is tremendous and makes me very happy.

I have been amazed at the results I have seen in the past twelve weeks!

I have newfound confidence in myself and in my capabilities. I am no longer intimidated to walk into the free weight room. I know I have the knowledge, the experience, and the ability to go into that intimidating environment and use the equipment to reshape my body.

It has been thrilling to see concrete results after such a short period of time—my body looks and feels entirely different. I am more streamlined, and it is easier for me to accomplish heavy lifting around the house and at my work.

Of course I love the superficial results, but I have an even greater appreciation for the mental changes that have occurred.

What Turbulence Training has really given me is a new definition of myself. For years I thought of myself as someone who could run for long distances at a slow speed, so I mentally labeled myself as a "slow runner."

I never put in the effort to really learn how to lift weights, and that made me think that "I'm not a heavy lifter." I also had the discouraging view that I was destined to gain weight little by little, due to my job as a pastry chef. It all seemed so inevitable—my slow speed, weak upper body, and ever-expanding stomach.

After just a few months, I have proven that all of these things I thought were true were just stumbling bumps I erected for myself. I CAN be a sprinter, I CAN increase my upper body strength, and I CAN have the body I've always dreamed of.

With the help of Turbulence Training, I have proved to myself that I am in control, and I am capable of changing my body. Thank you for this fantastic breakthrough and this transformative three months."


Switch to Turbulence Training and start losing belly fat today.

Click HERE for Turbulence Training

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